Pope encourages deepening of faith and communion for building Christian unity

Pope encourages deepening of faith and communion for building Christian unity

Vatican news

In his greetings shared with participants in the Fourth World Gathering of the World Christian Forum held in Accra, Ghana, Pope Francis encourages everyone to deepen their faith and revitalize brotherly love, reflecting the unity to which Christians are called when discussing the challenges they face. the global Christian community.

By Thaddeus Jones

Pope Francis sent greetings to participants gathered for the Fourth Global Gathering of the Global Christian Forum April 15-20 in Accra, Ghana. The global gathering brings together Christians from around the world of diverse traditions for a special time of prayer, worship, dialogue and mission.

The theme “That the World May Know” will explore how we can bear witness to Christ in today's world to better proclaim the love and truth of Jesus Christ to the nations, with the goal of “together we make a difference for the world.” glory of God.” “

Beautiful mosaic of faith

Expressing his “most sincere greetings” to all those gathered, the Pope praised the global diversity present, reflecting “a beautiful mosaic of contemporary Christianity” and sharing a common identity as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Archbishop Flavio Pace, secretary of the Dicastery for Christian Unity, read the Pope's words, followed by his own speech as a participant in the meeting.

Called to unity and love

Addressing the theme “that the world may know” (John 17:23b), the Pope declared that Christians are called “to embody the unity and love of the Triune God in their personal and ecclesial lives, in order to bear witness to 'a better world “. marked by division and rivalry.

Ecumenism linked to mission

Unity is the key “to embracing the vision of the Kingdom of God,” the Pope stressed, and this requires “an intrinsic link between ecumenism and Christian mission.” The Pope highlighted the significant contribution of the Global Christian Forum over its 25-year history in providing spaces where members of different historical expressions of the Christian faith can “grow in mutual respect and fraternity by meeting in the Christ.”

In conclusion, he prayed that the meeting would enable everyone to deepen their faith, revitalize brotherly love by praying together, discussing and exchanging experiences on the challenges facing the global Christian community.

“To all of you, I invoke the blessings of Almighty God and pray that the gathering will advance visible unity among all Christians. »

Global Christian Forum in Accra

Global Christian Forum in Accra

After reading the Pope's message, Bishop Pace then offered his own contribution when addressing the participants. Echoing the Pope's words, he praised “the rich mosaic of Christianity, including Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, evangelical, Pentecostal, independent Churches and ecumenical organizations” represented at the meeting.

The Global Christian Forum's emphasis on sharing a “living faith” and fostering relationships among Christian leaders has become a “valuable ecumenical tool”, Archbishop Pace said, in addition to finding solutions to differences doctrinal values, to exchange faith experiences, to deepen mutual understanding and to strengthen fraternity.

Bishop Pace also highlighted how Christian witness together reveals “the reconciling power of the Gospel” and that this unity can show “the power of the Christian faith which transcends human differences, forming a living community of brothers and sisters rooted in brotherly love, mutual respect and shared goal. »

In conclusion, he recalled how the Catholic Church engaged in an unprecedented synodal process, “For a synodal Church: communion, participation, mission”, which brought together several fraternal delegates representing various Christian traditions who participated in the first session last October with an equal number of delegates. a larger number of guests at the closing session next October. While thanking them for their participation in the Synod, he underlined how the Synod “sent a clear and credible signal of the desire to walk together in the spirit of unity of faith and exchange of gifts”, affirming that “this that unites Christians is greater and deeper than what unites Christians.” divides them. »

This meeting here in Ghana is also “animated by the spirit of synodality,” he added, and “by praying and working together, we can pool our resources, talents and ideas to meet the challenges common and advance the Gospel collectively.”

Venue of the Global Christian Forum in Accra

Venue of the Global Christian Forum in Accra

Vatican news


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