Seoul Archdiocese transforms Cathedral into campsite to involve youths

Seoul Archdiocese transforms Cathedral into campsite to involve youths

Vatican news

The Archdiocese of Seoul has transformed the backyard of Myeongdong Cathedral into a campsite to engage with young members of the Church in South Korea.

By Mark Saludes, LiCAS News

About 600 young people gathered on the evening of June 28 for the “Cathedral Camp” event, organized by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of World Youth Day (WYD) Seoul 2027.

The event aimed to build bridges between the Church and its young faithful through dialogue and sharing of experiences.

With the theme “Fear not: I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10), the decor was unlike anything seen before in the cathedral.

The backyard was set up like a campsite, with groups of ten sitting in circles on camp chairs, staffed by clergy, sisters or volunteers.

The arrangement included appetizers, beer and refreshments, creating an intimate and welcoming atmosphere.

At first, many of the young participants were surprised and somewhat cautious about sitting in close proximity to the bishops, but as the evening progressed, barriers dissipated and meaningful conversations took place.

A corner of the event venue “Camp at the Cathedral”. Photo by the Communications Committee, Archdiocese of Seoul

A corner of the “Camp at the Cathedral” event venue. Photo by the Communications Committee of the Archdiocese of Seoul

During the event, four young speakers addressed the challenges facing contemporary youth and shared their faith experiences. Each presentation led to group discussions, inspired by the Synod.

Sang-wook Lee, president of the Seoul Archdiocese Youth Federation, pointed out the declining support from the Church that many young volunteers face and the resulting spiritual apathy.

“We need new, unconventional community events and good leaders to help young people find meaning in service,” Lee said.

Archbishop Peter Soon-Taick Chung expressed gratitude for the honesty of the young participants and their willingness to share their stories.

Archbishop Peter Soon-Taick Chung greets the participants.  Photo by the Committee for Communications, Archdiocese of Seoul

Archbishop Peter Soon-Taick Chung greets participants. Photo by the Communications Committee of the Archdiocese of Seoul

“It was a precious moment to hear the stories of your lives. I thank the youth for their valuable time. We will continue to organize various gatherings to share stories with you as protagonists,” he noted.

Echoing Pope Francis, the prelate added: “God loves us as we are, no matter what we accomplish or what we become. May you, through the process of preparing for WYD, experience that God is always with you in your joys, sorrows and wounds. »

In a statement, the LOC said its initiative reflects Archbishop Chung's dedication to hearing the voices of young people.

“Cathedral Camp successfully illustrated this vision and provided a unique platform for dialogue between the leaders of the Church and its future stewards,” the statement read.

Last year, Pope Francis announced that Seoul would be the host city for World Youth Day 2027. In response, Bishop Chung pledged to create an event that promotes “fraternity, spirituality and social cohesion” across different cultures and religions.

Vatican news


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