Singapore’s anticipation of Papal visit ignites dialogue on societal change

Singapore’s anticipation of Papal visit ignites dialogue on societal change

Vatican news

In a conversation with Catholic News, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Singapore, Catholic parliamentarian Alex Yam shared his insights on how the teachings of the Holy Father guide his approach to pressing societal issues in Singapore.

By LiCAS News

As the nation prepares for its first papal visit in nearly four decades, dialogue about the interplay between faith and public policy is intensifying.

Pope Francis' visit, from September 11 to 13, is highly anticipated, not only by the local Catholic community, but also by society at large, given its potential to influence discussions on a range of pressing issues, including social justice, family values ​​and education.

Yam, known for integrating religious values ​​into his political work, stressed the importance of defending the dignity of every individual.

“As Catholics, we are called to defend the dignity of every person, regardless of their life circumstances, perspectives or sexual orientation, since we are all created in the image and likeness of God,” he said.

This message resonates as Singapore faces societal changes such as rising divorce rates and falling birth rates, which are challenging traditional family structures.

Yam referred to the position of the Church as expressed by Pope Francis in his apostolic exhortations: Evangelii Gaudium And Amoris Laetitia.

“The sanctity of marriage and human sexuality is an area in which the Holy Father has supported traditional Catholic teaching,” he noted.

Yam stressed the need for policies that strengthen families, promote healthy relationships and provide support to those in difficulty.

He stressed the Pope's support for an educational approach that emphasizes human values, solidarity and respect for diversity, advocating for a holistic system that nourishes intellectual, emotional and spiritual development.

“This allows for more diversity and creativity in our society and economy, which in turn creates a more resilient workforce,” he said.

On economic disparities, Yam highlighted the Church's commitment to the “Preferential Option for the Poor,” a principle that underpins policies aimed at fostering a more equitable society.

“Although extreme poverty in Singapore is less common than elsewhere, the growing gap between rich and poor remains a problem,” he noted, reaffirming the Pope's vision based on love, justice and solidarity.

“His pastoral approach challenges us, the faithful, to fight against social injustices, to defend the marginalized and to promote dialogue and reconciliation by placing Christ at the center of our lives, our community and our nation,” Yam said.

As a Catholic MP, Yam said he lives his faith by collaborating daily with leaders from various sectors to address social challenges.

“I hope that together we will be guided by faith in God as we journey as a vibrant, evangelizing and missionary church to build a more just and compassionate world for all,” he said.

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Vatican news


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