Rector of Nicaragua's Matagalpa Seminary arrested

Rector of Nicaragua’s Matagalpa Seminary arrested

Vatican news

Nicaraguan authorities have arrested the rector of the Matagalpa seminary, who is also the parish priest of Santa María de Guadalupe. Father Jarvin Tórrez has been in prison since August 5, according to activists and human rights organizations, who also reported the arrest of a lay collaborator, Lesbia Rayo Balmaceda, from a parish in Sébaco.

Vatican News

On August 5, Nicaraguan authorities arrested another priest in the Diocese of Matagalpa. Father Jarvin Tórrez, rector of the San Luis Gonzaga Major Seminary of Philosophy and parish priest of Santa María de Guadalupe parish, in the Guanuca district of Matagalpa, was imprisoned, according to statements made by parishioners to the media. Activists and human rights organizations in the country, quoted by the national daily “La Prensa,” denounced the priest’s detention. They also reported that a lay collaborator of a parish in Sébaco, Lesbia Rayo Balmaceda, was also arrested.

Thirteen priests have already been imprisoned in one week in Nicaragua. Most of them are from the diocese of Matagalpa, whose bishop Rolando Álvarez was exiled on January 14. In March 2023, the Republic of Nicaragua had asked the Holy See to close their respective diplomatic representations, but without a total break in relations.

Vatican news


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