In May, Vatican to offer special Marian tour of Pope's gardens

In May, Vatican to offer special Marian tour of Pope’s gardens

For the month of May dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Vatican Museums offer every Wednesday and Saturday a visit to the Pope's gardens dedicated to Marian spirituality.

By Paolo Ondarza

“The only way to stop the war is through forgiveness!”

The message of the Virgin Mary is both disturbing and clear. Throughout history, she has not failed to indicate to humanity her plan of salvation. At Fatima, for example, appearing to the three shepherd children, she delivered a true “plan of peace”, inviting the world to pray, to return to the Gospel and to consecrate themselves to her Immaculate Heart.

Prayer for peace

These words are more relevant than ever when we consider the state of the world today.

Popes have always emphasized the importance and power of prayer for peace. The “May with Mary” initiative, offered by the Vatican Museums every Wednesday and Saturday, offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of the Vatican gardens by browsing the different Marian images present there.

Wednesday and Saturday

“During the Marian month,” explains Sister Emanuela Edwards, “on Wednesdays, pilgrims are invited to join us after the papal audience for an exceptional opening of the gardens in honor of the Madonna. In addition, on Saturday morning, traditionally dedicated to Mary, visitors can enjoy this pilgrimage tour.

The Lourdes Grotto in the Vatican Gardens

The Lourdes Grotto in the Vatican Gardens

The Queen of Peace

“May with Mary,” continues the nun, “is a visit that includes 10 stops at the most important statues and images of the Madonna. It evokes a decade of the rosary, therefore in this period when there is a lot of tension in the world , with each Marian image we will pray for peace in the world. It is worth remembering that in the gardens there are 27 different images of the Madonna, so we can rightly say that these are her gardens, Mary is there. “Queen of Peace.” and it is right to pray for peace in the world. ”

The Pope's Prayer

The Marian images presented in the “May with Mary” trail are linked to the devotion of people who turned to the Virgin in times of war to invoke peace. Concerning the Madonna of Fatima and the conflict in Ukraine, Sister Emanuela recalls: “Pope Francis followed the call of Fatima by dedicating the cause of peace to the Queen of Peace. During our visit, we recite this same prayer before the statue of the Madonna of Fatima, in communion with the intentions of the Holy Father.”

Our Lady of Mercy in the Vatican Gardens

Our Lady of Mercy in the Vatican Gardens

Mercy: the path to lasting peace

Walking through the Vatican gardens, we encounter another example of Marian intercession for peace: the Madonna of Mercy, created by Renata Minuto at the entrance to the Chalet of Leo XIII.

“The Madonna,” recalls the head of the Office of Educational Activities of the Vatican Museums, “appeared to the peasant Antonio Botta in 1536. At that time, Savona was using all its forces in a war against the Republic of Genoa. Mary appeared inviting both parties to peace, urging them to show mercy and not justice, thus ending the conflict.

Appearing as Our Lady of Mercy, our Mother teaches us how to have lasting peace. This is what she wants us to remember today in our war-torn world. The only way to stop the war is through forgiveness! »

Notre-Dame de la Garde in the Vatican gardens

Notre-Dame de la Garde in the Vatican gardens

The spirituality of the Vatican gardens

Nature, fountains, ancient objects, statues of the Virgin and saints contribute to what can be defined as the “spirituality of the Vatican gardens”, a refuge of prayer and contemplation appreciated and experienced by the Successor Stone.

“In this beautiful place, popes, like John Paul II and Benedict XVI, used to take a daily walk as a moment of rest and prayer. Even Pope Francis, like his predecessors, adorned the gardens with a statue of the Virgin of Luján, made from recycled materials to remind us that nothing is lost, nothing is thrown away, but that everything has meaning in the magnificent work of God. We can say that, in a sense,. the garden also reflects the teachings of the Popes, and this also leaves us with an important message.

The Vatican Gardens

Click on here To make a reservation, join one of these May tours.

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The Vatican Gardens

The Vatican Gardens


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