Pope to Medjugorje Youth Festival: Be like Mary, the authentic disciple

Pope to Medjugorje Youth Festival: Be like Mary, the authentic disciple

Vatican news

Pope Francis sends a message to the participants of the Medjugorje Youth Festival, inviting them to imitate Mary by embracing the Word of God and faithfully carrying out their mission.

By Francesca Merlo

Pope Francis sent a message on Friday, August 2, to the participants of the 35th Medjugorje Youth Festival, which takes place from August 1 to 6.

In his message, the Pope expressed his joy at being able to address all the participants in the feast by reflecting on the theme: “Mary has chosen the better part.”

Based on this maxim, Pope Francis offered young people some brief suggestions aimed at their spiritual growth and their commitment in the Church and in the world.

Authentic disciples

Pope Francis dedicated his message to those he described as “authentic disciples.” He explained that “by what he says to Martha, the sister of Lazarus and Mary, Jesus reminds us that the process of an authentic disciple is to listen to the Word of the Lord. Mary realizes that the Lord has entered her house, but he also wants to enter her heart. In fact, she sat at his feet to listen to him, thus choosing the better part that ‘will not be taken away from her.’”

Like Mary

Another authentic disciple, the Pope continued, is Mary of Nazareth. He explained that God entered her house and spoke to her. She welcomed the Word of God into her heart, participated in his project and offered herself entirely when God sent his Son. She was present at the cross when Jesus redeemed the world and followed the apostles at Pentecost when the Church was born. In welcoming the Word of God, the Virgin Mary faithfully fulfilled her mission, choosing the better part: the Lord Jesus.

“In the same way, dear friends, you are called to become authentic disciples of Christ,” the Pope said. He invited the young people present to remain in the presence of the Master to meditate on the Word of God, asking them to let it enlighten their minds and hearts to discover and collaborate in the plan that the Father has for each of them. “Therefore,” he continued, “I encourage you to establish a close relationship with the Gospel and to keep it with you, so that it may serve as a compass indicating the path to follow.”

Be strong and wise in spirit

The Pope continued by explaining that “an authentic disciple, by becoming wise and strong in the Spirit, necessarily transmits the Kingdom of God to others, because proclaiming his Word is not only an obligation for priests and religious, but also for you, dear young people.” He encouraged each young person present to have the courage to speak to Christ in their family, in their educational and professional environment, and in their free time. “Proclaim him above all with your life, by manifesting the visible presence of Christ in your existence, in your daily commitment and in coherence with the Gospel in every concrete decision.”

Finally, Pope Francis entrusted each young person present to Mother Mary, Mother of the Church, “so that she may intercede for you to have the strength and wisdom to speak with God and to speak of God.”

Vatican news


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