‘84% of young people concerned climate crisis will endanger future’

‘84% of young people concerned climate crisis will endanger future’

Vatican news On the eve of COP 29 in Azerbaijan, speakers at the high-level event on energy conversion organized by the Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Holy See explain to Vatican News how this transition can generate new professions capable of concretely combating the phenomenon that concerns young people around the…

Holy See urges debt cancellation for small poor island nations

Holy See urges debt cancellation for small poor island nations

Addressing the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States in Antigua and Barbuda, Vatican representative Msgr. Robert Murphy calls on developed countries to cancel their debt to support their resilience and development in the face of climate and environmental crises. By Lisa Zengarini The Holy See has called for increased efforts by developed countries…

Global experts and leaders convene for Vatican climate summit

Global experts and leaders convene for Vatican climate summit

Scientists, regional and local leaders and experts from universities around the world gather at the Vatican for a summit titled “From the Climate Crisis to Climate Resilience,” organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. social Sciences. By Thaddeus Jones Experts and leaders from around the world are gathering at…

Vatican conference on building a network of “cities of refuge”

Vatican conference on building a network of “cities of refuge”

The Pontifical Academy of Sciences hosts a conference focused on the transformative potential of art, which begins with the Pope's call to establish a network of “cities of refuge” and the inauguration of the photo exhibition ” Changes.” By Béatrice Guarrera From the pride of a leader of an indigenous community in the Brazilian Amazon…

“Changes” photo exhibit inaugurated in St. Peter’s Square

“Changes” photo exhibit inaugurated in St. Peter’s Square

Inaugurated on May 7 in the Charlemagne colonnade of Saint Peter's Square, the photo exhibition organized by Lia and Marianna Beltrami with the Dicastery for Communication presents 24 works by artists from the peripheries of the world accompanied by verses from the Song of the Creatures of Saint Francis. . By Maria Milvia Morciano The…

St. Peter’s Square to host photographic exhibition “Changes”

St. Peter’s Square to host photographic exhibition “Changes”

Bernini's famous colonnade surrounding St. Peter's Basilica will house the exhibition featuring a photographic interpretation of St. Francis' “Song of the Creatures” to raise awareness of the dramatic effects of man-made climate change on God's creation. By Vatican News From May 7 to 27, St. Peter's Square will host the photo exhibition “Changes”, a photographic…