Ruffini: ‘We need a communication based on humanity not algorithms’

Ruffini: ‘We need a communication based on humanity not algorithms’

In a video message to the Second Assembly of the Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon (CEAMA), which concludes today in Manaus, Brazil, the Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery reaffirms the need for human-centered communication, based on the “wisdom of the heart” and not on algorithms. Vatican News The key to rediscovering “the path to fully…

‘From Tourist to Pilgrim’: Let yourself be transformed!

‘From Tourist to Pilgrim’: Let yourself be transformed!

As we prepare to experience and celebrate the Jubilee Year 2025, Vatican Media presents a 16-episode podcast series titled “From Tourist to Pilgrim” featuring art historian Liz Lev, who sheds light the hidden beauty of Rome through the prism of pilgrimage. By Linda Bordoni “From Tourist to Pilgrim” is a Vatican Media podcast series featuring…

St. Peter’s Square to host photographic exhibition “Changes”

St. Peter’s Square to host photographic exhibition “Changes”

Bernini's famous colonnade surrounding St. Peter's Basilica will house the exhibition featuring a photographic interpretation of St. Francis' “Song of the Creatures” to raise awareness of the dramatic effects of man-made climate change on God's creation. By Vatican News From May 7 to 27, St. Peter's Square will host the photo exhibition “Changes”, a photographic…

Celebrating Marconi and his scientific vision in the service of humanity

Celebrating Marconi and his scientific vision in the service of humanity

An event Saturday at the Marconi Museum in the Vatican celebrates 150 years since the birth of the man who founded Vatican Radio. Present, alongside the prefect and directors of the Dicastery for Communication, were the Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, and the grandson of Guglielmo Marconi. By Vatican News…