‘We ask the Pope from Indonesia to bring a message of peace to world’

‘We ask the Pope from Indonesia to bring a message of peace to world’

In an interview with Vatican News in Jakarta, Maria Paz Jurado, director of international projects for Scholas’ Occurrentes, describes the community’s emotion at Pope Francis’ visit to their Indonesian home and says they “are asking Pope Francis, from the heart of Indonesia, to share a message of peace with the world.” By Linda Bordoni –…

The Indonesian Church living the faith in a very diverse nation

The Indonesian Church living the faith in a very diverse nation

Vatican news Alors que le pape François effectue une visite apostolique en Indonésie, nous examinons de plus près les défis uniques auxquels l’Église catholique est confrontée dans cette nation dynamique et diversifiée. Par Linda Bordoni L’Indonésie, un archipel d’Asie du Sud-Est dont les racines historiques dans l’évangélisation remontent au XVIe siècle, présente une réalité catholique…

Vatican Museums: Learning to care for creation through play

Vatican Museums: Learning to care for creation through play

An original and captivating tour is now available for families with children, offering a pleasant two-hour experience in the magnificent natural setting of the Pope’s Gardens. This initiative, entitled “Capture Nature”, is a new addition to the Vatican Museums’ family activities, promoting the appreciation of nature, art and the protection of creation. By Paolo Ondarza…

New President of Centesimus Annus Foundation appointed

New President of Centesimus Annus Foundation appointed

Professor Paolo Garonna succeeds Professor Anna Maria Tarantola as the new president of the Vatican-accredited academic institution, founded in 1993 to promote the legacy of St. John Paul II’s social encyclical of the same name. By Vatican News Vatican officials announced Monday the appointment of Professor Paolo Garonna as the new president of the Centesimus…

101 children to sing and play for Pope Francis in Jakarta

101 children to sing and play for Pope Francis in Jakarta

Vatican news For more than a month, 101 children have been rehearsing with music to welcome Pope Francis at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption in Jakarta, Indonesia. By Mark Saludes and Peter Monthienvichienchai, LiCAS News The children came from four different schools – Sta. Ursula Jakarta, Sta. Maria Jakarta, Sta. Theresia Jakarta…

Pope Francis offers condolences on the death of Cardinal Parolin’s mother

Pope Francis offers condolences on the death of Cardinal Parolin’s mother

Vatican news Pope Francis expresses his closeness and prayers to Cardinal Pietro Parolin and his family on the occasion of the death of their mother, Ada Miotti Parolin, at the age of 96. The funeral will take place on the morning of September 3 in Schiavon, in the province of Vicenza. By Vatican News On…

September 1: A celebration of God’s decision to create

September 1: A celebration of God’s decision to create

Vatican news As the Church marks the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1, Indian Bishop Allwyn D’Silva, chairman of the Human Development Office of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, reflects on the importance of praising God for his wonderful gift of Creation. By Bishop Allwyn D’Silva The World…

Pope’s September prayer intention: For the cry of the earth

Pope’s September prayer intention: For the cry of the earth

Vatican news In a video message accompanying his prayer intention for September, Pope Francis prays that “each of us may listen with our hearts to the cry of the earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and climate change, committing ourselves personally to taking care of the world in which we live.” By Christopher…

India: Religious sister teaching theology from the peripheries

India: Religious sister teaching theology from the peripheries

Vatican news Sister Shalini Mulackal, a professor at Vidyajyoti College of Theology, shares her experience of teaching contextual theology, taking her students into the slums of the Indian city of Delhi to engage them more deeply in promoting the cause of the poor. By Sister Greta Pereira, OCV Sister Shalini Mulackal has been a professor…