Cardinal Parolin: Avoid escalation in Middle East conflicts

Cardinal Parolin: Avoid escalation in Middle East conflicts

On the sidelines of a conference on the Agidae at the Pontifical Urban University, Cardinal Pietro Parolin comments on recent news coming from the Middle East region, saying that everyone is working to avoid an escalation of the conflict.

By Salvatore Cernuzio

Despite the great concerns about the situation in the Middle East, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin breathes a sigh of relief noting that, at least so far, after the mutual attacks between Iran and Israel, the conflict did not degenerate as many feared.

“I see that everyone is working to ensure that this does not happen,” Cardinal Parolin told journalists met on the sidelines of a conference organized by “Agidae” (the “Association of Directors of Institutes Dependent on the religious authority”), which takes place at the Pontifical Urban University and focuses on the apostolic works of ecclesiastical entities.

“It seems to me that so far things have gone pretty well, at worst, in the sense that there hasn't been what was feared and both sides are trying not to provoke in such a way as to widen the conflict,” he added. observed the Cardinal regarding the latest news from the Middle East.

Regarding the position of the United States, which reiterated its support for Tel Aviv while not supporting a counterattack against Iran, Cardinal Parolin said: “I believe that we must avoid anything that could lead to an escalation and especially anything that could cause an escalation. the situation is getting out of control, which no one can control. This happens if everyone does not commit to moderating their positions.”

Clashes in La Sapienza: violence never justified

On the subject of the war in the Middle East, Cardinal Parolin also responded to a question about recent clashes during demonstrations organized by students of the Sapienza University of Rome demanding an end to academic collaboration with institutions of Israeli education.

“Personally,” declared the Secretary of State, “I have difficulty understanding this reaction. Of course, everyone has the right to express their opinion, but I think that this should always be done in the form of dialogue, taking into account everyone's motivations and positions. Of course, violence can never be justified. I believe that there can be a commitment on this subject, but a peaceful commitment, a reasonable commitment. »

Abortion: “For instruments that affirm the right to life”.

The topic of abortion also came up during discussions with journalists, particularly regarding the proposal to include pro-life committees in pregnancy counseling centers, a proposal that is causing controversy in Italy .

“We are in favor of life and all those instruments that can affirm the right to life, especially for women in difficulty,” said the Cardinal, adding that he did not want to go into the technical aspects of the proposal.

Don't penalize families who choose parochial schools

Finally, the Cardinal said families who choose parochial schools for their children should not be penalized.

On this subject, Cardinal Parolin recalled the words of Benedict XVI, who described education as “an emergency of our time”.

He said school choice is about “educational freedom and the freedom of families to choose the type of education they want to give their children.”

Cardinal Parlin said support for parish schools is important and insisted there should be “no sanctions for parents who decide to have their children attend these schools.”


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